How to become a Secular Carmelite
Is God calling you?
Lay practicing Catholics or diocesan clergy may join the Secular Carmelites, according to the Statutes.*
Are these some things you might like?
Have a deeper spiritual life
Practice contemplative prayer
Participate in community life
Accept tasks within the community, to the degree possible
Benefit from community prayers for all eternity
Have a deep feeling of peace
Persons admitted to the Secular Order should not "belong to an association in which promises, vows or other permanent commitments are undertaken or to any group whose activity and purposes are in contradiction with the teaching of the Catholic Church, or if his or her family duties and other commitments collide with the obligations of a Secular Carmelite"*
*Statutes of the Kraków Province of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (2017), #11, p. 4.
Exterior Requirements of the Rule
Attend daily Mass, to the degree possible
Mental, not rote, prayer for half an hour daily
Attend all community meetings
Wear the scapular
Do spiritual reading
Remembrance in prayer of all deceased Carmelites
Divine Office: Morning and Evening prayer
Daily examination of conscience
Frequent reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Daily devotion to Our Lady, usually the Rosary
To the degree possible, abstinence from meat on solemnities of five feast days,* [Fridays], Wednesdays, and Saturdays, together with the whole Order, along with reduction of bodily nourishment in support of the needy**.
Pay annual dues of $30.00. Checks addressed to SECULAR ORDER OF DISCALCED CARMELITES.
Also, see for further information
*Feasts of Teresian Carmel: Solemnity of St. Joseph, i.e., March 18; Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, i.e., July 15; Solemnity of St. Teresa of Jesus, i.e., October 14; Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM, i.e., December 7; and the Solemnity of St. John of the Cross, i.e., December 13. Statutes (2017), #59, p. 13.
**Statutes (2017), #59, p. 13.
Note: These acts are positive and do not carry pain of sin.
Steps toward Definitive Promises
As "aspirant," individual becomes interested in the Secular Order; aspirant must be between ages 18 and 55* years.
Interview with Director of Formation and Council
As "postulant," individual attends 12 meetings (12 months)
Initial Formation: 12 months (official Formation continues until Definitive Promises) (1-2-3)
As "novice," with Council's approval, Investiture by priest with Solemn Scapular, then two years of formation
First Promises (with Council's approval) then three years of Formation
Definitive Promises with Council's approval (continual formation lasts for member's entire life)
Members also have the option of making vows three years after Definitive Promises.
**Age 60 with special dispensation
**Statutes of the Kraków Province of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (2017), #36-47, pp. 9-10; Constitutions of the Secular Order of the Teresian Carmel (2013), pp. 7-8.
Our Lady’s Garden
A statue of the Blessed Mother graces the front of the monastery.
The Traveling Statue
Our Lady of Mount Carmel visits Gail.
Mary, Fr. Fryderyk, and Ghanem upon the reception of their official, solemn Scapulars